TrackAsset is an enterprise level asset inspection management software designed to simplify and increase the efficiency of completing regulatory and regular inspections. The sharp, clear, and consolidated application allows users the ability to see their assets through web accessible browsers both from a desktop and mobile devices. The advantage of customizable asset building for all assets increases operational efficiencies and the ability to get inspections done without the paperwork and with more accuracy. TrackAsset was designed for all these purposes in accordance with Federal Railroad Association (FRA) compliance data requirements. The base setup has all of the inspection tests and forms required for a user to meet FRA standards.
Inspections are made easier with the ability to: add photos of the assets, create, assign and complete work orders, and manage asset inspections over time with historical record keeping for the life of the asset. The user-friendly and visual dashboard allows users to view upcoming inspections and work orders assigned to individuals.The assets commonly tracked through the software include: Signals, Bridges, Locomotives, PTC Equipment, Switches, and Track.
Product features

TrackAsset360 provides 360-degree street view and aerial imagery for railroads